Nicolas Goaziou <> writes:

> (Thomas S. Dye) writes:
>> Here is a problem with CAPTION and ATTR_LaTeX lines.  Note that the
>> \table{} environment wasn't established.
>> ---- Org-mode ----
>> #+CAPTION: Frequency of Special Characters
>> #+ATTR_LaTeX: align=|c|c|l|
>> |---------------------+-------------+-------------------|
>> | Non-English or Math | Frequency   | Comments          |
>> |---------------------+-------------+-------------------|
>> | \O                  | 1 in 1,000  | For Swedish names |
>> |---------------------+-------------+-------------------|
>> | $\pi$               | 1 in 5      | Common in math    |
>> |---------------------+-------------+-------------------|
>> | \$                  | 4 in 5      | Used in business  |
>> |---------------------+-------------+-------------------|
>> | $\Psi^2_1$          | 1 in 40,000 | Unexplained usage |
>> |---------------------+-------------+-------------------|
>> ------------------
> Affiliated keywords (#+name:, #+caption:, #+attr_...) are expected to be
> right before their corresponding element. The blank line you introduced
> is wrong. Remove and it should export fine.
Yes, it does.  Thanks.

I can't get a \begin{figure*} environment with multicolumn.

---- Org-mode ----
#+CAPTION: A sample black and white graphic (.eps format) that needs to span 
two columns of text.
#+ATTR_LaTeX: multicolumn

---- LaTeX export ----

All the best,

>> When #+CAPTION: is used with figures the \figure{} environment isn't
>> established.
>> ---- Org-mode ----
>> #+CAPTION: A sample black and white graphic (.eps format).
>> [[file:fly.eps]]
>> ------------------
> Ditto.
> Regards,

T.S. Dye & Colleagues, Archaeologists
735 Bishop St, Suite 315, Honolulu, HI 96813
Tel: 808-529-0866, Fax: 808-529-0884

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