Bastien <> writes:

> Hi Florian and Eric,
> Eric Schulte <> writes:
>> Have you tried typing "<s" and then pressing TAB.  This is how I insert
>> code blocks, as well as <q for quote blocks, etc...
>> That said your function does more than the <s approach because it also
>> limits the languages to those which are supported.  If others think this
>> is generally useful I'd be happy to add it to ob.el.
> Don't we have this already?
> <s TAB M-TAB
> inserts
> #+begin_src 
> and offers completion over ̀org-babel-load-languages' (see
> `pcomplete/org-mode/block-option/src' in org-pcomplete.el)
> This spares us new keybindings :)  

Thanks for this!  I didn't know that completion was possible at that
point.  Mind you, the list of possible completions seems to be somewhat
limited.  I wonder where the list comes from? (I know: I should look at
the code... ;-)

For the OP, I use yasnippet [1] to introduce src code blocks:

,----[ src ]
| #name : #+begin_src language options ...#+end_src
| # --
| #+name: $1
| #+begin_src $2 $3
| $0
| #+end_src


: Eric S Fraga (GnuPG: 0xC89193D8FFFCF67D) in Emacs
: using Org release_7.8.09-544-g505cc7

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