SW <sabrewo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I inserted a link to a file with "C-c l", "file" and then navigated to the 
> file
> using autocompletion of the path and file names. Movinvg over that link and
> pressing "C-c l" prompts me with the path to the file. Edits in this path will
> not longer support autocompletion now. I have searched both generally and here
> for phrases relating to editing links but have not found anything.

I don't really follow what you are trying to do but I wonder if you are 
your situation correctly. There are two relevant keybindings:

o ``C-c l'' is the suggested global keybinding to org-store-link: what
  it does is squirrel away the information of where you are at the time
  so that it can be used *later* to insert a link - so all this does is
  remember the metadata of the link.

o ``C-c C-l'' is an org-mode keybinding to org-insert-link: it takes the
  saved information that org-store-link squirreled away and creates a
  link at your current location.

I suspect you are using the second. If so, it should prompt you in the
minibuffer for a link. You enter something like

file:/home/sw/.emacs RET

and then it prompts you for a description - you enter the description of
the link, something like

my .emacs file RET

Org will then insert a link like this:

[[file:/home/sw/.emacs][my .emacs file]]

into your file. It might *appear* different (what you see is just the
description, usually in some highlight color and underlined), but
nevertheless that's what the buffer contains (if you don't believe me,
just cat the file).

To follow the link, you just click on it (or do it in various other
ways, depending on your setup; e.g. pressing C-c C-o on it should also
follow the link).

Hope this clarifies things, but if you have questions, don't hesitate to
ask.  However, try to make your question detailed enough so that we
don't have to guess what you are trying to do.


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