SW <sabrewo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Nick Dokos <nicholas.dokos <at> hp.com> writes:
> > > Should I just bind ``C-u 7 S-right`` and ``C-u 7 S-left``? 
> > I wouldn't bother but I'm not you: if you really want to, you can
> > define a trivial function
> > 
> >    (defun sw-one-week-bump ()
> >        (org-timestamp-up-day 7))
> > 
> > and bind it.
> <snip>
> >    (info "(emacs) Customizing Key Bindings")
> <snip>
> > PS. Not sure how much emacs you know - if any/all of this is obvious,
> > please disregard.
> :) Thanks. I'm an "advanced beginner" with Emacs, so the example was helpful.
> Aside: Hitting ``M-: (info "(emacs) Customizing Key Bindings")`` gives me an
> error about the info file not existing. I installed Emacs 23.2.1 in CrunchBang
> Linux (Debian Stable) and (IIRC) org-mode 7.8.06 via a Debian package. Any 
> ideas?

I don't know if there is a separate doc package on your distro (or any
distro for that matter): I generally install emacs from source and both
the emacs and elisp info files are built and installed along with it.


PS. C-x C-e will evaluate a form in any bufferm, with no need for ``M-: foo 

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