SW <sabrewo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Joost Kremers <joostkremers <at> fastmail.fm> writes:
> >> TAB won't indent it but you can use the rectable C-x r o to shift it
> >> right so it is part of the list.
> > actually, IME, if you select the table and then hit tab, it does indent.
> Not for me. The rectable solution is a good one though.

Are you sure? As Joost says, you have to select the table (C-space at
one end and move to the other end; and I think transient-mark-mode must
be in effect - which is on by default in emacs24, but maybe not in
emacs23? - so you should see the table highlighted). Pressing TAB after
that indents the table AFAICS.


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