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On 21/05/12 00:05, Neil Smithline wrote:
> I've been looking at this too. I go with Bastien. Work with me to improve 
> org-ruby gem or
> export to HTML before pushing to Git.

Hi Neil,

Unfortunately I know nothing about ruby and it would have been a "nice to have" 
for me - So I'll
try the html route or for the time being stick with a simpler README.org file.



> Neil Smithline http://www.neilsmithline.com Proud GNU Emacs user since 1986, 
> v. 18.24.
> On Sun May 20 00:03:12 2012, François Pinard wrote:
>> Rainer M Krug <r.m.k...@gmail.com> writes:
>>> I would like to use a README.org file on github, and also include code 
>>> blocks in the
>>> README.org - is this possible?
>> Hi, Rainer.  I'm not sure I'm really replying to your request, but 
>> nevertheless hope my
>> comments might be useful.
>> Having recently had a similar need, I gave into the following compromise: I 
>> push README.md
>> (in Markdown format) on GitHub, but maintain my real sources as README.org 
>> (well, under a
>> different name) at home.  Directly quoting from the README.md file on GitHub:
>> I currently much enjoy Org format for handling my own notes, and do not feel 
>> like switching
>> to Markdown for original sources.  So, README.md gets derived automatically 
>> from the Org
>> source.
>> Some of my Org notes are private, and even for the public ones, there are 
>> :noexport:
>> sections.  Because of these private parts, I do not make my Org sources 
>> directly available.
>> Nodemacs.org becomes an HTML file through the Org publishing feature, and 
>> that HTML file is
>> later turned into a Markdown file using the impressive Pandoc tool. Climbing 
>> from generated
>> HTML back to the structural intent is not a trivial job in my opinion.  Not 
>> only Pandoc did
>> it well, it was blazing fast at it.  Moreover, as it is written in Haskell, 
>> it scratches on
>> my prejudice of Haskell being essentially an academical language!
>> Pandoc is an installable package on the Ubuntu system I use, so very easy to 
>> install.  To
>> use, I added a Makefile containing:
>> --8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8--- # Internal 
>> goals
>> README.md: ~/fp/web/notes/Nodemacs.html pandoc -o $@ $^ 
>> --8<---------------cut
>> here---------------end--------------->8---
>> to the project.  The script which regularly synchronizes my projects from 
>> home to GitHub
>> executes "make" in each project before pushing, this ensures for this one 
>> that README.md is
>> up to date.
>> I did not experiment with code blocks however, and cannot say how well or 
>> bad it works.
>> François
>> P.S. - Before Pandoc, I tried "w3m -dump", which yielded something a little 
>> too flat for my
>> taste.  I also tried the generic exporter with Markdown parametrization, 
>> which did not
>> produce a usable enough result.

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