
Just to tell you that I will make a presentation on Org-mode during the LaTeX
day in Dunkerque (FR) on Wed 13th June 2012.

Here is my summary in English for the 1:30 presentation:

    You wish to write high-quality documents or presentations, whose
    successive versions are easy to compare (thanks to CVS, SVN or Git, for
    example)? LATEX is un-miss-able.

    You find, nevertheless, the syntax very heavy to write tables or to handle
    nested lists? You have problems convincing your colleagues to go the LaTeX

    Come then discover org-mode (http://orgmode.org/). Writing a document or a
    presentation will become as simple as an writing an email. And you inherit
    new possibilites (of which outlining, status and tags on the sections, as
    well as the advanced search functions are some examples that will be
    looked at).

It will be more focused to the LaTeX exporter, of course, but I will try to
give more incentive for making the switch!

My slides will be publicly available (first in French, in English as well if
these are judged as worthing it ;-)).

For subscribing to the event (limited to 100 seats), see details at:


Best regards,

Fabrice Niessen

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