
William Crandall <bc3141...@gmail.com> writes:

> Is it true that:
> 1. The org-export Package is a "Generic Export Engine"
>    and is intended to support a new generation of
>    org export tools (to HTML, LaTeX, ODT, etc).


> 2. It is now an "experimental" Contributed Package:
>    http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib


> 3. The current (old) export command (C-c C-e) executes
>    a function called "org-export" in org-exp.el (line 943)
>    but it is not related to the new org-export package.


> 4. API documentation for the new org-export, and it's family
>    (org-e-ascii.el, org-e-html.el, org-e-latex.el, org-e-odt.el
>    org-e-publish.el org-element.el), is here:
>    http://orgmode.org/worg/org-api/

Correct, but be warned that some functions in org-exp.el use org-export-*
prefix and might be found under "org-export" section.

> 5. Documentation for back-end developers working on new
>    export tools is here:
>    http://orgmode.org/worg/dev/org-export-reference.html


> 6. Current org tutorials describe the old tool set, e.g.,
>    "Publishing Org-mode files to HTML", not the new:
>    http://orgmode.org/worg/org-tutorials/org-publish-html-tutorial.html


> 7. No end-user documentation for the org-export package
>    has been created, describing for example, how to link
>    to an external CSS file (as #+STYLE used to work).


> 8. "The Manual" does not (yet) document the org-export package:
>    http://orgmode.org/manual/index.html


> 9. This mailing list is the best place to ask questions.


> Turning to my immediate challenge, exporting to html,
> I have some questions ( M-x org-export-dispatch h ):

Since I don't maintain `e-html' back-end, I'll only answer partially.

> 5. Removing Pre- and Postamble
> What now works like:
>    (setq org-export-html-preamble nil)
>    (setq org-export-html-postamble nil)
> Now, there is no preamble.
> The postamble is:
>    <div id="postamble">
>    <p class="date"> Date: 2012-05-26 20:59:51 Pacific Daylight Time </p>
>    <p class="author"> Author : William BC Crandall</p>
>    <p class="creator"> Generated by Org mode 7.8.11 in Emacs </p>
>       <a href="http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=referer";>Validate XHTML
> 1.0</a>
>    </div>
> I'd like to remove both.

You may have a look at `org-e-html-preamble' and `org-e-html-postamble'

> --------------------------------------------------
> 6. Special strings
> I was able to get a TM (&trade) in the old system with:
> (eval-after-load "org"
>   '(setq org-export-html-special-string-regexps
>      (append org-export-html-special-string-regexps
>          '(("-TM-" . "&trade;")))))
> How now?

You can add a filter to plain text objects, which will only be applied
to `e-html' back-end:

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun my-html-trademark-markup (text backend info)
  (if (not (eq back-end 'e-html)) text
    (replace-regexp-in-string "-TM-" "&trade;" text)))

(add-to-list 'org-export-filter-plain-text-functions

Though, I would suggest to use entity \trade instead.


Nicolas Goaziou

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