Hello all!

I'm trying to get the MobileOrg app working on my iPhone.  I've followed
the instructions at
http://mobileorg.ncogni.to/doc/getting-started/using-dropbox/; for sanity
checking purposes here are the values of the vars referenced there:

org-directory: ~/Dropbox/org/
org-mobile-inbox-for-pull: ~/Dropbox/org/inbox.org
org-mobile-directory: ~/Dropbox/MobileOrg/

I've run the MobileOrg app on my phone, linked to Dropbox (setting the
index file to "/MobileOrg/index.org" -- not sure if that's correct, but I
couldn't find any insight on what that value should be), and then from
emacs, run org-mobile-push. I see files created in the MobileOrg directory
in dropbox.  When I then go back to my phone and sync, I see nothing show
up in outlines.

Interestingly, syncing in the other direction works just fine; if I create
a new capture, sync, and then run org-mobile-pull from emacs, the new note
ends up in inbox.org.  It's just the push functionality that I'm running
into trouble with.  The files in MobileOrg look correct to me, so my guess
is that org-mobile-push is working just fine, but I've misconfigured
something on the phone app side.

Thanks in advance for any insight that you folks can provide.

Madan R.

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