Petro <> writes:

> If I open a python code using "C-c '", emacs window splits into two. One
> with with python mode and another with org mode. How can I prevent
> splitting and make python window full screen?

Good question, lets check the docs:

F1 i, d, m "org" TAB RET.

Working with source code, Editing source code ...
Yep, what about this: 

,----[ (info "(org)Editing source code") ]
| `org-src-window-setup'
|      Controls the way Emacs windows are rearranged when the edit buffer
|      is created.

Okay, lets have a look, shall we?

,----[ F1-v "org-src-window-setup" ]
| Documentation:
| How the source code edit buffer should be displayed.
| Possible values for this option are:
| current-window    Show edit buffer in the current window, keeping all other
|                   windows.
| other-window      Use `switch-to-buffer-other-window' to display edit buffer.
| reorganize-frame  Show only two windows on the current frame, the current
|                   window and the edit buffer. When exiting the edit buffer,
|                   return to one window.
| other-frame       Use `switch-to-buffer-other-frame' to display edit buffer.
|                   Also, when exiting the edit buffer, kill that frame.

Default seems to be 'reorganize-frame, which is obviously not what you

current-window would be a good choice if you usually start with one
window in the beginning. Or try other-frame.

Is this helpful? Or is this not what you want?
If you missed it in the docs, where would you have expect it? 
How and where did you look for this info?


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