Michael Gilbert <m...@gilbert.org> writes:

Hello, Michael!

> one of them involves a piece that I've wanted for a while: a way to
> keep the data that is lost when I refile an item from my default
> date-tree file ― the date the item was created/added.

Have you considered using org-capture with the clock options? I like
using this because it automatically grabs the timestamp as well, and
when I press C-c C-c, it clocks out. Handy - I've been using it to
calculate my words per minute (dismally low for blog posts sometimes!).

Here's a snippet from my config:

(setq org-capture-templates '(
 ;; Lots of other lines here 
 ("r" "Notes" entry
  (file+datetree "~/personal/organizer.org" "Inbox")
  "* %?\n\n%i\n" :clock-in :clock-resume)

(global-set-key (kbd "C-c r") 'org-capture)

Anyway, if you happen to use org-capture a lot, then it's a good way of
capturing creation times too. =)

Hope that helps!


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