Eric S Fraga <> writes:

> Bernt Hansen <> writes:
>> Julien Cubizolles <> writes:
>>> I'm having a very strange problem with character encoding. I write all
>>> my text files with emacs, with non-ascii characters (I'm french). I keep
>>> a copy of many files (latex/org/...) on separate machines using
>>> unison. Very often after a synchronization, the non-ascii charaters are
>>> completely displayed wrong (à for à, ç for ç) in the org files, but
>>> never in the latex files.
>>> I guess it's more an Emacs than org files but I can't see what's special
>>> in the org files that makes them more prone to such errors.
>>> Is there a way to *fix* easily these corruptions on a file, ie searching
>>> for all "weird" characters to replace ?
>>> How could I prevent this from happening again (checking/changing
>>> character encoding maybe ?)
>>> Thanks for your help,
>>> Julien.
>> Hi Julien,
>> I get prompts for encoding when saving/exporting (on Windows only) so I
>> put the following at the top of my org-files
>> # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
>> which seems to fix the problem for me.  Maybe this will help?
> I used to have this problem and it was incredibly annoying.  I also
> started adding the line Bernt suggests but I kept forgetting for new
> files.  I finally solved this problem by adding the following lines to
> my emacs initialisation:
> #+begin_src emacs-lisp
> (prefer-coding-system 'utf-8)
> (set-charset-priority 'unicode)
> (setq default-process-coding-system '(utf-8-unix . utf-8-unix))
> #+end_src
> I couldn't tell you which of these matter or whether they are all
> necessary but I don't have these problems any longer so I haven't
> investigated any further!

Thanks Eric!

I'll try this and drop my mode line setting in each org file.  I still
encounter this when archiving for the first time to a new file -- since
I'm archive utf-8 content and the new target org file prompts for
encoding with my current setup.


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