On Mon, Jun 4, 2012 at 10:05 PM, John Hendy <jw.he...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 4, 2012 at 8:40 PM, Mehul Sanghvi <mehul.sang...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> What I need to do is the following:
>>    *  punch-in when I arrive at work
>>    *  make a notation for one of the following:
>>            * arrived late
>>            * working from home
>>    *  punch-out when I leave work
>>    * be able to generate a report (weekly/monthly/quarterly) which shows
>>             * how many days I was in the office
>>             * how many days was I working from home
>>             * how many days I was late
>> Is this something I can get done using Org ?   How ?
> Yes indeed (at least the first part). Second part shouldn't be that hard.
> ---( Approach 1: Clocking )---
> Link to how to clock:
> - http://orgmode.org/manual/Clocking-work-time.html
> What I might do:
> - Create headline for current month
> - Create headline with current date
> - Clock in when you get to work
> - Clock out when you leave work
> * June
> ** [2012-06-04 Mon] (C-c ! then return to create that time stamp)
> - Now C-c C-x C-i to clock in on that headline
> - When you leave, C-c C-x C-o clocks out
> - If you're at home, do `C-c C-c home` to tag the headline with the tag :home:
> - If you're late, do `C-c C-c late` to add the :late: tag
> At the end of the month, you can create a clock table to view your time:
> - http://orgmode.org/manual/The-clock-table.html#The-clock-table
> You can also get the data out and simply figure out a criteria for
> late/on-time with some other program. The clock table should be able
> to tally your time for the month and you can count the number of
> :home: tags perhaps.
> I've asked on the list for grouping clock tables by tag and there was
> some response:
> - http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-orgmode/2011-05/msg00219.html


This option seems to make sense to me.  Thanks for the pointers
and help.



Mehul N. Sanghvi
email: mehul.sang...@gmail.com

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