henry atting <nsmp...@online.de> writes:

> Hi,
> I do not succeed in generating an inline image as a result of a
> python code block. The code itself works, C-c C-c generates the
> according picture, but only in my home directory. The code block:
> -*- org-babel-python-command: "python3" -*-
> #+begin_src python
> import csv
> import matplotlib.pyplot as plot
> x = []
> y = []
> csv_reader = csv.reader(open('csv_data.csv'))
> for line in csv_reader:
>       x.append(int(line[0]))
>       y.append(float(line[1]))
> plot.plot(x, y, label=r'exp', color='green')
> plot.legend(loc='lower right')
> plot.savefig("exp_csv.svg")
> #+end_src
> It tried different combinations of `:exports results', `:results
> file', `:file filename'

I'm not python expert, but the code block should be run in your current
directory, e.g., the following outputs the current working path expected
for me.

#+begin_src sh

If you want to explicitly pass the current directory to your code block
as an argument, you could try something like the following

#+begin_src python :var mydir=(file-name-directory (buffer-file-name))
  return mydir

Hope this helps,

Eric Schulte

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