On Fri, Jun 8, 2012 at 8:13 AM, Eric Schulte <eric.schu...@gmx.com> wrote:
> Ethan Ligon <li...@are.berkeley.edu> writes:
>> #+TITLE:       Example of name collision bug
>> #+AUTHOR:
>> #+EMAIL:
>> #+DATE:      2012-06-07 Thu
>> #+OPTIONS:   H:3 num:t toc:nil \n:nil @:t ::t |:t ^:t -:t f:t *:t <:t
>> * Figure and trivial code reference
>>   Here we have a figure.
>>   This example works as expected; we get a latex figure on export.
>> [[./foo.png]]
>> * Figure and trivial code reference (with collision)
>>   Here we have a figure and a trivial code block with a noweb reference.
>>   The difference is that the basename of the figure matches the noweb
>>   reference.  Instead of a figure on latex export, we get a hyperref!
>> [[./bar.png]]
>> #+BEGIN_SRC sh :exports none
>> #<<bar>>
>> #+END_SRC
> Ah, so as it turns out the syntax for the noweb reference happens to be
> the same as the syntax used to specify a latex label.  In this case the
> LaTeX exporter first mistakes the <<bar>> as a label anchor, and then
> apparently converts the bar.png link to a real link.
> The latex exporter probably shouldn't try to make anchors out of the
> text within code blocks.  However, in the mean time you can customize
> the noweb syntax using the `org-babel-noweb-wrap-start' and
> `org-babel-noweb-wrap-end' variables so that they aren't mistaken for
> label anchors.

This diagnosis seems exactly right (and thanks for the work-around).
The problem is even worse than I indicated earlier, though---things


are incorrectly turned into a link if there's any source block along
the lines of
#+begin_src sh


#+begin_src sh

Note also that this is not just an ambiguity about whether
./foo-bar.png should be treated as a link or a figure, because if it's
a link it's a /broken/ link (in the example above the resulting LaTeX
is \hyperref[.-foo-bar.png]{./foo-bar.png})


Ethan Ligon, Associate Professor
Agricultural & Resource Economics
University of California, Berkeley

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