Meanwhile I learned that

#+name: xvar
: waterfall

#+name: myblock
#+begin_src R :var xxx=xvar

#+RESULTS: myblock
: waterfall

ans so will

#+name: xvar2
: water

#+name: myblock2
#+begin_src R :var xxx=xvar2

#+RESULTS: myblock2
: water

The critical missing piece for me was the colon in front of the value in a name 

I wanted this because I am running a project on different machines, and I want 
to give the
name od subdirectories through this mechanism.
Ir seems cleaner than using code in a programming language when we just need 

And I explained the problem seems to be that a value returned by R in a named 
block is not accessible
as a named "variable".
In this case, I would rather stay with R which I need anyhow and I have to 
explain to my coworkers.
Using emacs-lisp additionally would just make things harder to understand fore 
some of the project members.

This also works now

#+name: rvar
#+begin_src R

#+RESULTS: rvar
: raha

#+name: rvartest
#+begin_src R :var xxx=rvar

I had misunderstood something there.

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