
I'm working on a bugtracker sync tool for org-mode [1]. I'm using
org-element to parse org files, it does everything I need.

It turns this

* TODO blah <2012-06-25>
:foo: bar
Foo bar

into this:

(org-data nil
           (:raw-value "blah <2012-06-25>" :title
                       ("blah "
                         (:type active :value "<2012-06-25>")))
                       :level 1
                       :todo-keyword "TODO"
                       :todo-type todo
                       :timestamp "2012-06-25"
                       :foo "bar" :category "???")
             (:properties (("foo" . "bar"))))
             "Foo bar"))))

I've removed irrelevant stuff for the example but you can get get the
start/end point of each element from this structure.
Just call org-element-parse-buffer.

1: http://orgmode.org/w/org-sync.git

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