I'm testing inline source and nothing is being printed. Nothing is
happening. No errors, no messages, no nothing. Definition to the corret
inline-src-block function is in the definition list. But it does not
seems that is executing at all. 

So, what am I doing wrong? :)

-- org mode source --
* Test


Verbage verbage src_python[]{def mondinga: a+1} verbage verbage 
src_lisp[]{(defun x (y) (* y y))} verbiage verbiage verbiage. 

-- groff output -- 
.AR "Org User" 
.AU "Luis Anaya"
.ND "2012-07-10"
.MT 0
.H 1 "Test"

Verbage verbage verbage verbage 
verbiage verbiage verbiage. 


I ran it without the []'s and the results are the same. Nothing is
showing up. 


Luis R. Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

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