Da: M <elwood...@web.de>
Inviato: Giovedì 12 Luglio 2012 23:06

> I'd like to
> know how you integrate org-mode in your work on MS Windows.

Hi Martin,

I use Org in a Windows 7 environment too.

Regarding he interaction with collegues, (as Russel have already suggested) 
I write my reports in  Org, then export to HTML with the proper stilesheet and 
then open in word
for the last editing.
If I had installed LibreOffice my life'd have been a lot easier (hint, hint ;)

In Org I can open dired link to pdf files (clicking o them), but I haven't yet 
to open links to word and excel files.

In my home directory I have a .mailcap file:
application/pdf;  "C:/Program Files (x86)/Adobe/Reader 
10.0/Reader/AcroRd32.exe" %s
a plic tion/w rd; "C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Office/Office12/win 
ord.exe" %s    <- DOES NOT WORK and certain letters are missing.

Like Mikhail pointed out dired is really useful and
I use Dired extensively; it can also resolve addresses through the Intranet 
evaluating expressions like:

(dired-at-point "//Server1/everybody/my-dir")

I also open the files with the appropriate program (excel, word, reader..) in 
the Dired buffer
pressing F3, having the following  code in my .emacs:

;; Dired 
(setq delete-by-moving-to-trash t)
;;; Open files with i.e.
(defun w32-browser (doc) (w32-shell-execute 1 doc))

(eval-after-load "dired" '(define-key dired-mode-map [f3] (lambda () 
(interactive) (w32-browser (dired-replace-in-string "/" "\\" 


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