emacs-orgmode-requ...@gnu.org writes:
> I am a bit puzzled. I thought that using the ODF-exporter would be
> the format of choice to get content from Org to Word. Why do you
> guys prefer HTML?

The following is my opinion why I prefer using HTML to ODF for transfer
to Word, but  there is no reason for not using ODF for transfer files.  
It is more a matter of personal taste than anything else. 

1. Mature support for HTML import on Word. ODF import was included in Office
2007 as an option. But HTML support has been available since Office
2000. (probably since Office '98, but it's been a while since I used
that one).  If you do not have the ODF facility installed in Word or 
if you're stuck with an older version of Office  then you have to 
convert to Word using Libre/Open Office.  That's an extra step and 
more conversion errors to add to the final result.  

2. Less nuances to worry about. HTML is clean and a plain ASCII format
at the expense of size.  I am not familiar with ODF's internal
structure, but I've worked on the generation of MS Open Office XML
documents at work.  Even though it's an XML format, there are sometimes 
difference in the positioning of elemements when documents are created
in Word vs  when they are created through a program using the MSOOXML

One issue I had during testing was the inclusion of images in
which they get installed on a different nodes if the document is created
through the .NET API. These causes images not to show up in
LibreOffice or AbiWord to crash. However they render fine in Word. 

My 2 cents...
Luis Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

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