Hi all, I'm still working on Org-sync, the tool to synchronize external services with org-documents. The current focus is still on bug trackers. Right now you can test the github and the bitbucket backend. I've worked on a cache system that minimize what needs to be transfered at each synchronization and I've written Org-sync documentation (usage, code & backend programming). You can find more on my repo [1].
There is a simple tutorial on worg [2] with screenshots and all which covers the basic usage of the tool. If you read it, feel free to post some feedback on this thread. There are still some things that need to be fixed before working on other backends. Currently, conflicting merge are not handled properly. I plan on writing backends for Redmine, Bugzilla, Google Code, Google Task, Toodledo, Remember the milk. But I may not have the time to do them all. What backends would you like me to implement first? Something not in this list? 1: http://orgmode.org/w/?p=org-sync.git 2: http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/gsoc2012/student-projects/org-sync/tutorial/