On Tue, Jul 17, 2012 at 5:15 PM, Joseph Thomas <six50...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello.
> I couldn't believe I hadn't been aware of org mode until a few months ago,
> as someone who's been using emacs for everything for many years.
> I use it to journal how all my time is spent in a given work day- for both
> work related tasks and non-work tasks (ex.  getting coffee, lunch,
> conversations, etc.).  Org mode is the only GTD software package I've seen
> that makes this possible without getting in the way.  It just needs one
> small thing that keeps it from being perfect.
> Those who use it the same way I do (as a log of how all time was spent in a
> given day), there's no easy way I can see to make quick adjustments to
> clocked time between activities.  Every day I will forget to clock to a new
> activity at some point.  By the time I remember, time has passed.  For
> example, I come back from a meeting and begin to work on a project.  20
> minutes into it, I clock in.  But I must then manually adjust both the
> previous activity and the current one so that they are accurate and don't
> overlap in the agenda view.  This can be cumbersome, which seems to go
> against the overall idea of org mode.  All that is needed to correct it is
> either a new fn and key binding, or a prefix arg to org-clock-in that allows
> you to enter an adjustment (in this example, 20) to subtract from the
> previous clock's out time and current clock's in time.
> Seems like it would be a minor thing to add that would make an enormous
> difference for users like me.
> Thanks for reading my request!
> Regards,
> Joe


     You can use the S-up and S-down key combinations to adjust the clocks for
the current activity and the previous one.  Move over to the hour and
do S-up or S-down,
then do the same with the minutes.  The date gets adjusted
automatically if you're
straddling midnight.



p.s. does that make org-mode perfect now ? :)

Mehul N. Sanghvi
email: mehul.sang...@gmail.com

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