Aloha scrawler,

scrawler <> writes:

> Hi guys, I have a few questions about todo states. I have these
> keywords defined:
> #+TODO: Do Doing DoBy DoLater | Did DidNot DidNever 
> #+TAGS: @Beverly(y) @Bionca(a)
> I'd like to have a better understanding of the TODO sequence for any
> given task, assignment, or project. The states Do and Did are pretty
> obviously just TODO and DONE renamed. I can maybe add a
> DEADLINE:<2012-07-28 Sat> for the DoBy heading, and a
> SCHEDULED:<2012-07-28 Sat> for DoLater, but what can or should I do
> with Doing? Should I just leave it alone and look at it?

I found the discussions of TODO states by John Wiegley, Charles Cave,
and Bernt Hansen very helpful: 

I eventually set up my files along the lines laid out by Bernt, but I
don't track things as exhaustively as he's able to do.


> I think I've seen TODO keywords defined (in the manual? list emails?)
> like "feedback", etc, but it seems like if I have a basic but
> comprehensive sequence I can put that kind of stuff in tags
> (Incidentally, what are the @ signs in front of tags for?).
> Are there any keywords I should add or remove? Should I get rid of
> DidNot and DidNever (implying not yet and never will)? My keywords are
> arbitrary and silly, but I'd like to better understand the states they
> label.
> Thanks, I hope I was clear, and sorry for the "basic question" noise.

Thomas S. Dye

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