On Fri, Jul 27, 2012 at 2:03 AM, Achim Gratz <strom...@nexgo.de> wrote:

> Markus Baden writes:
> > I just installed org-mode via the recipe provided with the current
> > development version of el-get [1]. Org-Mode is installed correctly
> > into emacs.d/el-get/org-mode and the docs can be found in the doc
> > subfolder. The recipe [2] adds the doc to the info via the :info "doc"
> > property. However, when going to the info browser with C-h i the
> > org-mode docs cannot be found. In the doc subfolder there is a file
> > called "org" (no filename extension), which looks like the info file.
> > After doing a "cp org org.info" the org-mode info shows up in the info
> > browser.
> El-get for whatever reason seems to think that all info files have a
> ".info" suffix, but they appear to never check if that assumption is
> true.  I don't understand how they set up the info tree further on from
> looking at the sources.  File a bug report for el-get I'd say.

Looking at this a bit this morning, I'm not sure that it is el-get (at
least alone) that is insisting on the .info suffix. The portion of elisp in
el-get that adds the .info suffix:

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(if (string= (substring infofile -5) ".info")
    (concat infofile ".info"))

(Side note, I did try a work around,
doesn't work).

Is only called if the ~dir~' file does not exist (and other conditions) and
as part of creating a command string for ~/usr/bin/install-info~. Since an
non-built (no execution of ~make~) Org mode Git clone has a ~dir~ file,
this code is never called.

I also don't believe that ~cp org org.info~ in
~$HOME/.emacs.d/el-get/org-mode/~ fixes things (I currently can't get the
correct info to display using that).

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