Hi Robert,

Please see my follow up post with a more detailed description and a
(as I find) already better solution.
In summary, it is about providing a way to store data in org-mode
which is not intended to be read/modified by humans.
Your idea would be one part of it and I was thinking of that too.
> I could see a use for a "blob" property.  Suppose I have a JPEG of
> someone's portrait that I want to incorporate into a contact's
> properties.  Some mechanism to indicate:
Unfortunately, I notice that Emacs and org-mode can easily slow down
for large documents (I noticed, e.g. by using  thousand lines of
(collapsed) code blocks) . I frighten that an JPEG or PNG which would
easily fill hundreds or thousands of (hidden) lines might slow down
org-mode. That is, if there would be such a function, one would have
to make sure it does not influence the performance.


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