Giovanni Ridolfi <> writes:

>> Ok... my bad... pilot error... missing (require 'org). 
> ?-)
> why is this needed? 

Good question :) Like I said, I thought that org-install would have
loaded it. But being that I'm more interested in testing the Groff
exporter to the latest pull from git, it became a secondary task. 

(and I'm now fixing the exporter to meet parameter changes in the 
org-export.el API :( )

> Perhaps you do run the export in batch mode?

No. Not while I'm debugging code. I should try for testing though, in
this way I can automate the results. But for now, this is done on the

> Giovanni /a bit puzzled


Luis Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

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