David Engster <d...@randomsample.de> writes:

> Then I guess you patched org-caldav-sync to not test for
> `url-dav-patched-version'? Anyway, I've now added support for the
> Emacs-bzr version of url-dav.

Yes I did.

> It does not ask for a username? 


> That is very strange. It should first
> ask: "Username [for Google CalDAV]:". If it does not do that, maybe you
> have that information in your .authinfo?

I have this:

machine smtp.gmail.com login bastiengue...@gmail.com password xxxxxx

> Please restart Emacs and evaluate
> (url-retrieve-synchronously
> "https://www.google.com/calendar/dav/4ttssrunbsh9km06csbjkb2...@group.calendar.google.com/events/";)
> Does that one ask you for a username?

No, just for a password.  I enter my password and I'm asked for a
password, indefinitely.

This is with GNU Emacs (i686-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version
2.24.10) of 2012-07-26 on myhost.


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