At Tue, 07 Aug 2012 07:48:36 -0600,
Eric Schulte wrote:

> Richard Lewis <> writes:
> > However, the diagram that org/ditaa creates is missing the third box
> > (counting from the outside inwards), the box between "border" and
> > "padding". I tried removing the "=" (which would make the line solid),
> > but the box still did not appear. I've tried this snippet in an org
> > document by itself, and I've tried putting the diagram in a file by
> > itself and running ditaa directly. Still no middle box.
> >
> > I realise this may be a ditaa rather than an org-mode problem, but can
> > anyone suggest anything? Particularly, does anyone else get the same
> > effect?
> This is a ditaa issue and probably isn't affected by Org-mode.
> I have had issues like this in the past with ditaa, I often find that
> the solution is to leave more space between my shapes or lines.

Oh. Well that's fixed it. I also tried various other spacing and found
all sorts of ways of breaking it. But at least one arrangement works!


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