
I am using Emacs 24.1 in Win7 (64bit) and Org 7.8.11.
I would like to have a capture template that just puts me at the end of my journal in plain text (although date tree) after a custom time stamp (e.g. 09:13). I tried the following ("p" "Plain Journal" plain (file+datetree "C:/Users/Geralb/Documents/privat/org/MyAgenda.org")
     :unnarrowed t :empty-lines 1)

But in this template a literal %? is written and point is thereafter.

I tried another template
("e" "Entry Journal" entry (file+datetree "C:/Users/Geralb/Documents/privat/org/MyAgenda.org")
         "* Um %U von %a\n\n%?\n"
     :empty-lines 1 :unnarrowed t)

And this seems to work, but it's not what I would like to have.

Did I write the template wrong?


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