Suvayu Ali writes:
> On Sun, Aug 12, 2012 at 10:09:31PM +0900, Waldemar Quevedo wrote:
>> Not a big deal but I see that you have to set os-github-auth and call M-x
>> os-import, os etc..
>> to use org-sync. Since the library is named org-sync, wouldn't it be better 
>> to 
>> base on the library name for these settings? e.g. `org-sync-github-auth`,
>> `org-sync-import`...
> I thought os is short for org-sync, just like ob is for org-babel?

Yes, but only the source files are shortened to ob-*.el, the function
and variable names still spell out org-babel (with very few exceptions).
I think that would be a good example to follow, especially as an "os-"
prefix might easily clash with other namespaces.

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