This may be a bug?

I have this template in my list of templates, to open the file with my
templates, so I could edit it:

       ("i" "Edit ~/org/capture-templates.2.el" plain (file
"~/org/capture-templates.2.el") "" :empty-lines 1 :unnarrowed t)

I started to get an error when running this template, and a few others.
This started somewhat recently, but I don't know exactly when.

    When I removed the ":empty-lines 1" part, the template worked fine.

        ("i" "Edit ~/org/capture-templates.2.el" plain (file
"~/org/capture-templates.2.el") " "  :unnarrowed t)

I am pretty sure that this is not only from the "empty-lines 1 part.
Another template with this option does work ok, but has ":prepend t".

Alan Davis

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