Hello Thomas,

On Thu, Aug 16, 2012 at 10:28 AM, Thomas Moyer <tommo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have a set of habits that I do Monday through Friday (weekdays only) and
> the best suggestion I have found for this is to have 5 individual TODOs (one
> for each day). This seems to work well for the most part, but I have found
> one minor annoyance that I can't find a solution for.
> If I don't do one of the habits on Monday, that entry will appear as overdue
> until the next week on Monday when it comes around again. Is there a way to
> "hide" overdue habits? I don't want to mark it as DONE, since it wasn't even
> when it was late.

Couldn't you create a single habit that uses a .+1d/3d repeater?  It
would still show up on the weekend however it would not be listed as
overdue at that time.

On a slightly related note to the developers:  Is there any way that a
=skip-days= marker be added in Org?  This would allow for simpler
repeating tasks/habigs that are not to be done on weekends.

> As an example of what I current have, here is an excerpt for one habit:
> ** Notes
> *** TODO (M) Refile notes
> SCHEDULED: <2012-08-20 Mon ++1w>
> :STYLE: habit
> :END:
> *** TODO (T) Refile notes
> SCHEDULED: <2012-08-21 Tue ++1w>
> :STYLE: habit
> :END:
> *** TODO (W) Refile notes
> SCHEDULED: <2012-08-15 Wed ++1w>
> :STYLE: habit
> :END:
> *** TODO (R) Refile notes
> SCHEDULED: <2012-08-16 Thu ++1w>
> :STYLE: habit
> :END:
> *** TODO (F) Refile notes
> SCHEDULED: <2012-08-17 Fri ++1w>
> :STYLE: habit
> :END:
> So if I miss Monday, when I open my agenda on Tuesday, I currently see two
> entries for Refile notes. Ideally, I would like to only see the one for
> Tuesday, and then when the following Monday rolls around, I should see the
> Monday entry again, with the consistency graph showing that I missed last
> Monday.
> Thanks for the help!
> -Tom
> --
> Thomas Moyer
> tommo...@gmail.com



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