I write do-files for Stata code in emacs using ESS, which marks up my
code and sends it to a comint-mode buffer for evaluation.  I'd like to
include some source code in an org file, as in the below examle:

#+begin_src -n
foreach var of varlist _all{
     rename `var' new_`var'

I have a couple of questions:
How can I use ess fontification in this snippet and in the file to
which I export?  The manual says I "need to specify the name of the
major mode," however including "#+begin_src ess -n" results in the
following error "org-edit-src-code: No such language mode: nil-mode."
I've tried using ess-mode, and anything else I can think of, to no
avail.  What should I include?

Also, assuming I'm able to get the fontification to work, is there a
way to customize it for exporting?

Finally, org-babel looks tremendously useful.  Is there a way to
harness it's capabilities for an unsupported language like Stata's?

Thanks to everyone who read this through, and in particular to anyone
who can help!

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