Petro <> writes:

> Hi all.
> I generate an image from python source like this:
> _____________________________________________________
> #+BEGIN_SRC python :results output raw :export results 
>   from pylab import figure, plot
>   import pylab as plt 
>   import numpy as np
>   plt.ioff()
>   figure()
>   plot(np.random.rand(10),'o')
>   pic_name='fit_rates1.svg'
>   path_name='/home/petro/tmp/'
>   plt.savefig(path_name + pic_name) 
>   print "[" + "[" + path_name + pic_name +"]]"
> #+END_SRC    
> [[/home/petro/tmp/fit_rates1.svg]]
> _____________________________________________________
> Can I export the result? Rigth now the image is exported only if I copy the 
> image link and
> paste it few lines below.

Hi Petro,

Is the link exported at all, or do you get no results export?

You could add the following additional header argument to your code
block to inform org-mode that the results are a link to a file.

  :file /home/petro/tmp/fit_rates1.svg


> Thanks.
> Petro

Eric Schulte

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