Hi Sylvain,

Sylvain Rousseau <this...@gmail.com> writes:

> Have a look at https://github.com/thisirs/org-context : Context
> agenda and capture for Org-mode

I *love* it!  This would be a great addition to contrib/lisp/ -- 
doors are open, just ring the bell.

One possible enhancement: allow using only the capture/agenda 
template instead of the full template in `org-context-capture-alist'
and `org-context-agenda-alist'.

For example, it would be easy to read/write

(setq org-context-capture-alist
      '(("*el"  . ("a" "b"))
        ("*org" . ("c" "d"))))

`a' and `b' being templates (triggered in *el files) already 
defined in `org-capture-templates'.

I guess this would speed up adoption of org-context...  but again, 
thanks for this!


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