On 25 August 2012 13:24, Achim Gratz <strom...@nexgo.de> wrote:
> Brian van den Broek writes:
>> I've seemingly managed to install org 7.9, but M-x org-version yields
>> Org-mode version N/A (N/A @ /home/brian/.emacsd/site-lisp/)
>> The details:
> You could've saved yourself a lot of writing if you'd just posted what
> make config-all
> prints out.  But the only way this output from org-verison can be
> produced by a compiled version of Org is if you install with make, but
> without Git (like you later tell us you've done).  In this case, you
> need to tell make the version you're installing since it cannot ask Git
> for it:
> make ORGVERSION=7.9 GITVERSION=org-7.9-3-ga986d3 install

Thanks Achim.

That does seem to fix the manifested problem. (make install-info seems
to leave with with the 6.33x docs, but that's a problem for another
day and thread, I expect.)

Sorry for the verbosity. As I expect is clear, I don't have a good
handle on what is going on and opted for risking too much information
to avoid the need to tease more out of me through a few rounds of

I would suggest that the installation instructions at
<http://orgmode.org/manual/Installation.html#Installation> be updated,
as there one finds nothing about the need for ORGVERSION and
GITVERTSION arguments to make. (While I know patches are welcome, I am
reluctant to try to patch docs for an issue that I don't understand

Thanks and best,

Brian vdB

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