Bastien <bzg <at>> writes:

> Hello all,
> I've been a freelancer for the last two months and I want to continue
> this experience.
> As such, my main challenge is to discipline myself not to spend too 
> much time on Org -- because, as you can imagine, it *is* very tempting.
> So the more donation I receive, the more time I will have for Org.

Great !
You might want to lower the barrier to donate by providing a link to ☺.
BTW, if it is to give you money, why not cut the middlemen and provide
your IBAN ?(As a fellow countryman, it saddened me to pay for €→$(→€ ?)
and to Visa™ and PayPal™ (which I despise) for naught.

Kudos for your great work on Org !


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