That is probably what I will have to do.
But since I want both html and LaTeX output, I have to two write separate 
output routines
in R which I had hoped to be able to avoid.

On Aug 29, 2012, at 4:39 AM, (Thomas S. Dye) wrote:

> Neuwirth Erich <> writes:
>> My problem is that the tables are produce by R code snippets.
>> The code snippets produce plain org tables, bracketed by attributes 
>> identifying 
>> the text as ORG code.
>> | Jahr | Region | m   | w   | pWert |  |  |
>> |------+--------+-----+-----+-------+-------+-------|
>> | 2000 | Sonst  | 508 | 507 | 0.85  | 4.91  | 4.93  |
>> #+END_ORG
>> I am able to insert additional lines before and after the text produce
>> by the R commands with the following technique (in R):
>> print(as.table(NULL),quote=FALSE,type="org")
>> cat("|-------|\n")
>> print(res,type="org")
>> cat("|-------|\n")
>> So I could write a line with my multicol headers.
>> But for that to work, org mode would have to honor multicol indicators
>> in the text.
> Alternatively, compose latex or html tables in R and then have the source
> code block :results output latex or :results output html
> That should wrap the output in #+BEGIN_LATEX ... #+END_LATEX, which org
> will export directly to LaTeX, or #+BEGIN_HTML ... #+END_HTML, which org
> will export directly to HTML.
> hth,
> Tom
>> On Aug 29, 2012, at 2:28 AM, "Christopher J. White"
>> <> wrote:
>>> Hi Erich,
>>> I have a hack for multicolumn support that may help... It's not
>>> great, but serves my purpose.
>>> I implemented a TWiki mode that uses orgtbl-minor-mode.  TWiki pages
>>> support multicolumn cells by adding vertical bars with no
>>> separators:
>>> Display:
>>> |  Multicol     |
>>> |  C1   |   C2  |
>>> TWiki format:
>>> | Multicol ||
>>> | C1 | C2 |
>>> Notice the double vertical bars after Multicol.  The number of
>>> vertical bars on every row must be the same.  You can join as many
>>> cells as you want that way.  I basically wanted to be able to still
>>> use orgtbl-minor-mode to edit such tables.  So I hacked my
>>> twiki-import/export code to convert "||" to "| << |" and vice-versa.
>>> So the orgtbl version of the above looks like this in the buffer:
>>> | Multicol | << |
>>> | C1       | C2 |
>>> The down side is that the text "Multicol" will expand the display
>>> size of C1, so if it gets long, the table grows:
>>> | This is a long multicol cell | << |
>>> | C1                           | C2 |
>>> So it gets me what I want, which is orgtbl editing, and
>>> import/export support to twiki format.  Seems a similar technique
>>> could be backed in to any org export engine.
>>> ...cj
>>> On 8/28/12 5:10 PM, Neuwirth Erich wrote:
>>>> After some googling it seems that multicolumn support is not yet
>>>> implemented in org tables.
>>>> I would need multicolumn headers quite urgently,
>>>> but I have not yet found a way to make this possible.
>>>> I think that tables with headers like this:
>>>> |               |    mean       |         s.e.        |
>>>> | gender | varA | varB |  varA | varB |
>>>> are quite common, so I really want to put this feature on the wish list.
>>>> I am not able to implement this myself.
>>>> Erich
> -- 
> Thomas S. Dye

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