Robert P. J. Day <> wrote:

>   from a totally newbie perspective, i wanted to write a tutorial for
> a colleague since we're about to convert all of our linux courseware
> from .odp to latex/beamer, so here's what i whipped together for him
> this morning:
> if anyone else finds it useful, it's all yours.

Thanks! Very nice indeed.

You say:

   The whole reason I like this mode is that it gives me the chance to
   expand and collapse sections while in emacs -- just go to any
   section/subsection and hit TAB to either expand or collapse
   it. That's the way I write manuals -- work in one place, finish up
   there, close it, move elsewhere, open it up, etc.

I think that pretty soon, you will find a whole lot more reasons to like
it ;-)


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