G. Jay Kerns <gke...@ysu.edu> wrote:

> > From: Neuwirth Erich <erich.neuwirth <at> univie.ac.at>
> > ...
> > 1) a mild annoyance.
> >
> > src_R{1+1} inserts the result 2 in the output. In fact, it inserts =2=.
> > When one runs the file repeatedly, org-mode does not remove older results.
> > So if I replace src_R{1+1} by src_R{2+2} and do not remove the last output,
> > My file will contain
> >
> > src_R{2+2} =4= =2=
> >
> > Also, If I run the inline code segment by C-c C-c one, the org file ail 
> > contain just 1
> > correct result, bit if afterwards I export the file (to LaTeX or html),
> > the exported file will have 2 copies of the result.
> >
> > Is there anything the developers can do about this?
> I can confirm that if a person does not remove old output but changes
> input to the inline code segment then the exported file will have both
> the correct output plus the (old) incorrect output.  My strategy to
> avoid this is use C-c C-c sparingly just to check whether the output
> is as expected, then always erase output.  If I am going to use an org
> file with C-c C-c a lot (for a lecture, say), then I keep a copy for
> exporting clean and separate from the one I am going to do a lot of
> C-c C-c'ing with.  YMMV.

IMO, the solution would come in two pieces:

- an org-babel-before-execute-hook to complement the 
- fixing org-remove-result to work with inline source code blocks - my
  attempt to use it zapped the closing brace as well as the actual
  result: "This is R code: src_R{2 + 2".

Given these two however, you could add the remove function to the hook and
that'd be that.



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