On 9/10/12 12:07 PM, "Nick Dokos" <nicholas.do...@hp.com> wrote:

>Richard Stanton <stan...@haas.berkeley.edu> wrote:
>> Thanks. Things now get a lot further, but I'm still not quite getting
>> I was hoping for. In particular, this source:
>> #+begin_src latex :file test.png
>> \frac{1}{2}
>> #+end_src
>> results in this output:
>> #+Results:
>> #+BEGIN_LaTeX
>> [[file:test.png]]
>> #+END_LaTeX
>> There are two problems here.
>> 1) I'd like the graphic file to be displayed inline in the org file
>> buffer, so I don't think I want those #+BEGIN_LaTeX ... #+END_LaTeX
>If you add org-redisplay-inline-images to org-babel-after-execute-hook,
>that should happen whether or not the #+{BEGIN,END}_LaTeX lines are
>there (you can get rid of them by using :results raw).
>This works for me (after I C-c C-c on the second source block):
>--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
>* foo
>#+begin_src latex :file frac.png :results raw
>* bar
>#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
>(add-hook 'org-babel-after-execute-hook (function
>--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---
>> 2) There is no file test.png in the current working directory.
>That however may be saying that there is a problem with your setup. Is
>there anything in *Messages* that indicates a problem? Assuming that
>debug-on-error is not set currently, you might also want to
>M-x toggle-debug-on-error RET
>and rerun the code block to see if there is some error that is triggered
>(sometimes errors are caught using condition-case and are hard to see).
>Just to be clear, the frac.png (I renamed it to avoid clobbering an
>test.png file in my setup) *is* produced in my case.

The *Messages* buffer did indeed show something:

"Failed to create dvi file from

Checking the log file in that directory, I saw squawking about missing "$"
signs around the mathematical expression. Adding these, so the block now

#+begin_src latex :file test.png :results raw

it now compiles and displays perfectly.


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