Uwe Brauer <o...@mat.ucm.es> wrote:

> >> On Tue, 11 Sep 2012 11:52:45 -0400, Nick Dokos <nicholas.do...@hp.com> 
> >> wrote:
>    > Uwe Brauer <o...@mat.ucm.es> wrote:
>    > Opening the file in emacs and selecting "Print buffer" from the
>    > file menu did not work for me for some reason, but opening the
>    > file with the ``display'' program (from imagemagick), right-clicking
>    > and selecting Print from the menu worked fine. It's probably the case
>    > that any graphics program that can read a PNG (e.g the Gimp) will
>    > be able to print it with no problems.
> Hello
> Thanks for your answer, but I am very much confused (you
> are right I am on Linux, Kubuntu 10.04).
> I have a file say test.org
> with some equation, say 
> $$\int fdx=$$
> now I run org-preview-latex-fragment  and a png is generated in
> the subdirectory ltxpng and somehow "embedded/displayed" in
> the org buffer.
> When I use a ps-print command, the file is printed but with 
> $$\int fdx=$$
> and not with the corresponding png.
> You say you use display, but which file do you open?  One of
> the pngs in ltxpng? Because I cannot open test.org 

Yes, sorry - I misunderstood. You can only open the PNG file with
``display'' and print it. I don't know how to print the org file with
embedded PNG (that's probably an overlay but I don't remember the
details of the implementation), unless you export it to e.g. PDF and
print that.


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