
tj3 support is still buggy. And tj export gets confused with the task_id
It does not generate unique IDs nor does  it have manual ID marking. So
it gets
scrampled. So, for a bigger project it does not really work.

Verify to use

*Org Export Taskjuggler Target Version:

I have used the following settings with M-x customize-group ->
and worked for me as a first shot with tj3:

*Org Export Taskjuggler Default Global Properties:
shift s40 "Part time shift" {
  workinghours wed, thu, fri off

account cost "Project Cost" {
  aggregate tasks

account rev "Payments" {

*Org Export Taskjuggler Default Reports:*

# Now the project has been specified completely. Stopping here would
# result in a valid TaskJuggler file that could be processed and
# scheduled. But no reports would be generated to visualize the
# results.

navigator navbar {
  hidereport @none

macro TaskTip [
  tooltip istask() -8<-
    '''Start: ''' <-query attribute='start'->
    '''End: ''' <-query attribute='end'->

    <-query attribute='resources'->
    '''Precursors: '''

    <-query attribute='precursors'->
    '''Followers: '''

    <-query attribute='followers'->

textreport frame "" {
  header -8<-
    == mwit Projects ==
    <[navigator id="navbar"]>
  footer "----"
  textreport index "Overview" {
    formats html
    center '<[report id="overview"]>'

  textreport "Status" {
    formats html
    center -8<-
      <[report id="status.dashboard"]>
      <[report id="status.completed"]>
      <[report id="status.ongoing"]>
      <[report id="status.future"]>

  textreport development "Development" {
    formats html
    center '<[report id="development"]>'

  textreport "ContactList" {
    formats html
    title "Contact List"
    center '<[report id="contactList"]>'
  textreport "ResourceGraph" {
    formats html
    title "Resource Graph"
    center '<[report id="resourceGraph"]>'

# A traditional Gantt chart with a project overview.
taskreport overview "" {
  header -8<-
    === Project Overview ===

    The project is structured into 3 phases.

    # Specification
    # <-reportlink id='frame.development'->
    # Testing

    === Original Project Plan ===
  columns bsi { title 'WBS' },
          name, start, end, effort, cost,
          revenue, chart { ${TaskTip} }
  # For this report we like to have the abbreviated weekday in front
  # of the date. %a is the tag for this.
  timeformat "%a %Y-%m-%d"
  loadunit days
  hideresource @all
  balance cost rev
  caption 'All effort values are in man days.'

  footer -8<-
    === Staffing ===

    All project phases are properly staffed. See [[ResourceGraph]] for
    detailed resource allocations.

    === Current Status ===

    The project started off with a delay of 4 days. This slightly affected
    the original schedule. See [[Deliveries]] for the impact on the
    delivery dates.

# Macro to set the background color of a cell according to the alert
# level of the task.
macro AlertColor [
  cellcolor plan.alert = 0 "#00D000" # green
  cellcolor plan.alert = 1 "#D0D000" # yellow
  cellcolor plan.alert = 2 "#D00000" # red

taskreport status "" {
  columns bsi { width 50 title 'WBS' }, name { width 150 },
          start { width 100 }, end { width 100 },
          effort { width 100 },
          alert { tooltip plan.journal
                          != '' "<-query attribute='journal'->" width 150 },
          status { width 150 }

  taskreport dashboard "" {
    headline "Project Dashboard (<-query attribute='now'->)"
    columns name { title "Task" ${AlertColor} width 200},
            resources { width 200 ${AlertColor}
                        listtype bullets
                        listitem "<-query attribute='name'->"
                        start ${projectstart} end ${projectend} },
            alerttrend { title "Trend" ${AlertColor} width 50 },
            journal { width 350 ${AlertColor} }
    journalmode status_up
    journalattributes headline, author, date, summary, details
    hidetask ~hasalert(0)
    sorttasks alert.down
    period %{${now} - 1w} +8w
  taskreport completed "" {
    headline "Already completed tasks"
    hidetask ~(plan.end <= ${now})
  taskreport ongoing "" {
    headline "Ongoing tasks"
    hidetask ~((plan.start <= ${now}) & (plan.end > ${now}))
  taskreport future "" {
    headline "Future tasks"
    hidetask ~(plan.start > ${now})

# A list of tasks showing the resources assigned to each task.
taskreport development "" {
  headline "Development - Resource Allocation Report"
  columns bsi { title 'WBS' }, name, start, end, effort { title "Work" },
          duration, chart { ${TaskTip} scale day width 500 }
  timeformat "%Y-%m-%d"
  hideresource ~(isleaf() & isleaf_())
  sortresources name.up

# A list of all employees with their contact details.
resourcereport contactList "" {
  headline "Contact list and duty plan"
  columns name,
          email { celltext 1 "[mailto:<-email-> <-email->]" },
          managers { title "Manager" },
          chart { scale day }
  hideresource ~isleaf()
  sortresources name.up
  hidetask @all

# A graph showing resource allocation. It identifies whether each
# resource is under- or over-allocated for.
resourcereport resourceGraph "" {
  headline "Resource Allocation Graph"
  columns no, name, effort, rate, weekly { ${TaskTip} }
  loadunit shortauto
  # We only like to show leaf tasks for leaf resources.
  hidetask ~(isleaf() & isleaf_())
  sorttasks plan.start.up

Am 14.09.2012 15:13, schrieb Sebastien Vauban:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to use the export to TJ3 on Windows (I installed Ruby from Cygwin),
> but don't succeed to get the first view of the project, as shown on
> http://orgmode.org/worg/org-tutorials/org-taskjuggler.html.
> I'm using the very first example given at line "Your resulting Org mode
> project file will look somewhat like the following:", add the required tag
> :taskjuggler_project: to the node "Accounting Software".
> Then, I export it to TJ (C-c C-e j) and run tj3 against it:
> $ tj3 org-tj3.tjp
> Results:
> --8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
> TaskJuggler v3.3.0 - A Project Management Software
> Copyright (c) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012
>               by Chris Schlaeger <ch...@linux.com>
> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
> the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by the
> Free Software Foundation.
> org-tj3.tjp:11: Error: allocations is not a known attribute for this property
>  purge allocations
> --8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---
> I comment the purge "allocation line", and try to run it further...
> --8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
> TaskJuggler v3.3.0 - A Project Management Software
> Copyright (c) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012
>               by Chris Schlaeger <ch...@linux.com>
> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
> the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by the
> Free Software Foundation.
> org-tj3.tjp:70: Warning: The keyword 'hierarchindex' has been deprecated! See 
> the reference manual for details.
>   columns hierarchindex
> org-tj3.tjp:70: Warning: The keyword 'completed' has been deprecated! See the 
> reference manual for details.
>   columns hierarchindex, name, start, end, effort, duration, completed
> org-tj3.tjp:77: Error: Unexpected token 'utilization' found. Expecting one of 
> 'activetasks', 'annualleave', 'annualleavebalance', 'alert', 'alertmessages', 
> 'alertsummaries', 'alerttrend', 'balance', 'bsi', 'chart', 'closedtasks', 
> 'complete', 'completed', 'criticalness', 'cost', 'daily', 'directreports', 
> 'duration', 'duties', 'efficiency', 'effort', 'effortdone', 'effortleft', 
> 'email', 'end', 'flags', 'followers', 'freetime', 'freework', 'fte', 'gauge', 
> 'headcount', 'hierarchindex', 'hourly', 'id', 'index', 'inputs', 'journal', 
> 'journal_sub', 'journalmessages', 'journalsummaries', 'line', 'managers', 
> 'maxend', 'maxstart', 'minend', 'minstart', 'monthly', 'no', 'name', 'note', 
> 'opentasks', 'pathcriticalness', 'precursors', 'priority', 'quarterly', 
> 'rate', 'reports', 'resources', 'responsible', 'revenue', 'scenario', 
> 'seqno', 'sickleave', 'specialleave', 'start', 'status', 'targets', 'wbs', 
> 'unpaidleave', 'weekly', 'yearly'
>   columns no, name, utilization
> --8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---
> So, it seems that the output file is not up-to-date (tj v3.3.0), or do I miss
> something?
> Best regards,
>   Seb
> PS - Org-mode version 7.9.1 (release_7.9.1-199-g6589b9 @ 
> d:/home/sva/src/org-mode/lisp/)

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