I am using the latest version from ELPA, 20120903, OSX 10.8.1, and Emacs 24.2.1

The following document describes something which I perceive as strange behavior 
and a wish at the end.

#+title: Names test

Define a name with a value

#+name: nameval
#+begin_src elisp :session *elisp* :results value :exports both

The above does not export the value to LaTeX-pdf export if it is not executed
with C-c C-c in the document

Define a value in elisp

#+begin_src elisp :session *elisp* :results value :exports both
(setq lispval 123)

The above does not export the value to LaTeX-pdf export if it is not executed
with C-c C-c in the document

Simple call to =src_elisp= lispval equals 
src_elisp[:session *elisp* :results raw]{lispval}

The above does not export the value to LaTeX-pdf export if it is not executed
with C-c C-c in the document

Enhanced call to =src_elisp= lispval equals 
src_elisp[:session *elisp* :results raw :exports results]{lispval}

The above does not export the value to LaTeX-pdf export if it is not executed
with C-c C-c in the document

I tried exporting both to LaTeX-pdf and to html.

I would like a way which would allow me to use the value of the name =nameval=

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