I've been testing a little more. I anyone wants to reproduce the error.

Here's a simpler example, just create a file with this:

#+AUTHOR: test

* 123 1 2 3 4
aaa =<<<...>>>= aa a a

And export it with C-c C-e L.

The output buffer will look like this:

% Created 2012-09-17 Mon 21:09

\date{17 September 2012}




\section{[[sec-1]\$\^{}{123}\$] \hyperref[sec-1]{1 2} \hyperref[sec-1]{3 4}}

[[sec-1][aaa]] \texttt{<<<...>>>} aa \hyperref[sec-1]{a a}


It doesn't reproduce with =<<...>>= nor =<<...>>>= nor =<<<>>>=. But
interestingly, by changing the number of dots inside the inequality
signs, the places where the hyperrefs appear change too. The number of
dots seems to determine the number of chars that each of these false
links will have. They can include spaces.

I have no idea about what is happening, though.
Any help is welcomed.

On 9/15/12, Jorge Timón <jtimo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi, I'm working with a document to export to LaTeX and I had a crazy
> problem that only reproduced with emacs23, not with the emacs-snapshot
> repository for ubuntu. But it started to happen with the latest
> snapshot too.
> Lot's of short words (3 or less chars) appeared as links and when I
> exported the document to LaTeX they all appeared with
> \hyperref{sec-1}.
> Finally I identified the part that was messing with the export and it
> was ~<<<...>>>~ or =<<<...>>>=.
> It seems that two << are treated speacially, I don't know.
> I'll fix that later but I don't really know how. =aaa= was supposed to
> be \{verbatim}. <<<...>>> is a sintaxis to call CUDA kernels, the
> place to put the parameters and I want to mention it in the text. I'll
> use =< < <...> > >= for now and the dammed symbols still couple.
> The "little words as links" is a strange thing. I thought it was for
> being on windows at first, but it was about the version: I had ubuntu
> with emacs24 at home and winXP with emacs23 at work. I can't rememeber
> if it happened with other documents but in any case doesn't looks
> good. Has anyone had a similar problem with another "forbidden
> string"?
> How can I put that string verbatim in my text?
> Do I have to go back to "pure LaTeX" for that paragraph?
> Thank you in advance.
> If the error doesn't reproduce just like that, please tell me and I'll
> do more tests in a separate document or link you to a copy. Well, I'll
> just do it now:
> http://preann.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/preann/preann/doc/preann-doc.org
> Note: I've using emacs only for five months and I don't think I can
> change to another editor if it has not org-mode, congratulations to
> the developers. I still feel that something bigger is going to come
> out of this.
> Still using Eclipse for coding, but that has to change.
> --
> Jorge Timón

Jorge Timón

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