Marcelo de Moraes Serpa <> writes:

> Hi list,
> I've found a pretty interesting piece of software today. It's called Xiki,
> check out the video:

It's interesting, but it has its challenges. I tried to install it to
play with it and... well, it's still there in zombie mode; I've not
followed through with it.

This is what I found out: 

1. Requires ruby and uses el4r. That by itself is not bad, but it is
overhead to run the application. The installation process is a
chore. I'm not a ruby programmer although I'm familiar with the
language. Other than I had to compile ruby from source (which is not
bad) trying to get it to work within el4r is not straightforward. If you
do not know ruby or el4r, it does complicates its installation.

2. Uses emacs or vim or some other editors in experimental mode, and I 
think that it's limited to graphic mode. I tried to run it from the
console and I got a "Face -9" error. So, what good is a shell if you
can't run it from the console?  It might have been pilot error but makes
me wonder.

3. I think that Bastien mention that items can be done in babel being
that it allows to get data form different sources. 

In terms of its interface, it's pretty nifty, but the real magic happens
because it's running within an editor. 

My 2 cents... 

Luis Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

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