This is how Freedmind natively outputs the same link:

<map version="0.9.0">
<!-- To view this file, download free mind mapping software FreeMind from -->
<node CREATED="1348041631372" ID="ID_319286743" MODIFIED="1348042704516"
TEXT="Mind Map">
<node CREATED="1348041642465" ID="ID_207824320" LINK="";
MODIFIED="1348041668536" POSITION="right" TEXT="test"/>

I am not much at reading elisp, but it seems that the following code in
org-freemind.el might be intended to achieve the above result.

(defun org-freemind-convert-links-helper (matched)
  "Helper for `org-freemind-convert-links-from-org'.
MATCHED is the link just matched."
  (let* ((link (match-string 1 matched))
         (text (match-string 2 matched))
         (ext (file-name-extension link))
         (col-pos (org-string-match-p ":" link))
         (is-img (and (image-type-from-file-name link)
                      (let ((url-type (substring link 0 col-pos)))
                        (member url-type '("file" "http" "https")))))
    (if is-img
        ;; Fix-me: I can't find a way to get the border to "shrink
        ;; wrap" around the image using <div>.
        ;; (concat "<div style=\"border: solid 1px #ddd; width:auto;\">"
        ;;         "<img src=\"" link "\" alt=\"" text "\" />"
        ;;         "<br />"
        ;;         "<i>" text "</i>"
        ;;         "</div>")
        (concat "<table border=\"0\" style=\"border: solid 1px
                "<img src=\"" link "\" alt=\"" text "\" />"
                "<br />"
                "<i>" text "</i>"
      (concat "<a href=\"" link "\">" text "</a>"))))

(defun org-freemind-convert-links-from-org (org-str)
  "Convert org links in ORG-STR to freemind links and return the result."
  (let ((fm-str (replace-regexp-in-string
                 ;;(rx (not (any "[\""))
                 ;;    (submatch
                 ;;     "http"
                 ;;     (opt ?\s)
                 ;;     "://"
                 ;;     (1+
                 ;;      (any "-%.?@a-zA-Z0-9()_/:~=&#"))))
         "[^\"[]\\(http ?://[--:#%&()=?-Z_a-z~]+\\)"
                 nil ;; fixedcase
                 nil ;; literal
                 1   ;; subexp
     ;;(rx "[["
     ;;     (submatch (*? nonl))
     ;; "]["
     ;; (submatch (*? nonl))
     ;; "]]")
     ;;"<a href=\"\\1\">\\2</a>"
     fm-str t t)))

I am not trying to muddy the waters here, it is just that when I type a
link into org-mode, I do not seem to get a usable freemind link as a result.

On Tue, Sep 18, 2012 at 10:12 PM, Bill Day <> wrote:

> Sorry, yes, I mistyped -- it is org-freemind.el.
> When I type:
> * Mind Map
> ** test [[][Org Mode]]
> I get this:
> <map version="0.9.0">
> <!-- To view this file, download free mind mapping software FreeMind from
> -->
> <node text="Mind Map">
> <node text="test [[][Org Mode]]">
> </node>
> </node>
> </map>
> Is this the expected behavior?
> On Tue, Sep 18, 2012 at 3:30 AM, Bastien <> wrote:
>> Hi Bill,
>> Bill Day <> writes:
>> > I am using org-mode 7.9.1 and Freemind 0.9.0.  Freemind.el seems to
>> > convert nodes from org to Freemind with no problem, but it simply
>> > copies the code for links from org to Freemind without converting
>> > it.
>> I'm not sure i understand -- are you talking about org-freemind.el?
>> > Has anyone else had this problem?
>> AFAIU I don't.
>> This link in .org:
>>   A [[][link]].
>> gets exported as
>>   A <a href="";>link</a>.
>> in .mm
>> HTH,
>> --
>>  Bastien
> --
> Bill Day

Bill Day

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