Loris Bennett <loris.benn...@fu-berlin.de> wrote:

> Bastien <b...@altern.org> writes:
> > Hi Loris,
> >
> > "Loris Bennett" <loris.benn...@fu-berlin.de> writes:
> >
> >> Nothing works now, not even
> >>
> >> #+BEGIN_SRC sh :file tmp.txt :dir /xxxxx@xxxxxxx:
> >> echo hostname
> >> #+END_SRC
> >
> > Maybe you don't have permission to read the /tmp/ dir
> > on the remote machine?
> >
> > Anyway, it's hard to debug with so little information.
> In the *Org-Babel Error Output* buffer, I get the following:
> /bin/bash: /scpc:xxxxx@xxxxxx:/tmp/sh-script-7472puH: No such file or 
> directory
> But the file exists on the remote server:
> $ ls -l /tmp/sh-script-7472puH
> -rwxr-xr-x 1 xxxxxx xxxxxx 15 Sep 19 11:20 /tmp/sh-script-7472puH
> And if I execute it on the remote server, I get the expected result:
> $ /tmp/sh-script-7472puH
> xxxxxx
> So it seems that the call to the temporary file fails.  Is the method
> /scpc: new?  I don't recall seeing it before (but, then again, it used
> to work before, so I never saw an error message ...).

I don't think so. The tramp doc says:

| `scpc' -- `ssh' and `scp'
|      Newer versions of `ssh' (for example OpenSSH 4) offer an option
|      `ControlMaster'.  This allows `scp' to reuse an existing `ssh'
|      channel, which increases performance.
|      Before you use this method, you should check whether your `ssh'
|      implementation supports this option.  Try from the command line
|           ssh localhost -o ControlMaster=yes /bin/true
|      If that command succeeds silently, then you can use `scpc'; but if
|      it fails like
|           command-line: line 0: Bad configuration option: ControlMaster
|      then you cannot use it.  Note, that the option `ControlPersist',
|      if it is supported by your `ssh' version, must be set to `no'.
|      This method supports the `-p' argument.

But probably the best thing to do is to leave org out of it and try opening
the file directly: it seems to be a tramp problem.


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