--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
#+TITLE:     ECM Tangle failure

* Problem

If you try to tangle this file, you'll get:

: condition-case: Before first headline at position XX in buffer XXX.org

Then, you won't even be able to save it!  Workaround is to:

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(setq before-save-hook nil)

The culprit line is =mode: outline-minor= which I use(d) in some prog-mode

But why???

* Makefile
  :tangle:   Makefile

#+begin_src makefile
# Makefile

# Where HTML files go locally

# Where HTML files go remotely

        @echo -e "$(BOLD)Usage:$(NORMAL)"
        @echo "To create the HTML files, type \`make publish'."
        @echo "To update the Web site, type \`make updateweb'."
        @echo "To do both, type \`make all'."

# This is for the sake of Emacs.
# Local Variables:
# mode: outline-minor
# ispell-local-dictionary: "en_US"
# End:

## Makefile ends here

* Other


# This is for the sake of Emacs.
# Local Variables:
# compile-command: "make publish"
# End:

# XXX.org ends here
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

Best regards,

Sebastien Vauban

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