Bastien <> writes:

> Hi Markus,
> Markus Heller <> writes:
>> please forgive if this is an RTFM question, but how would I go about
>> updating the org git archive from within emacs?  This is what you are
>> referring to, correct?
> If I may try to help -- Achim suggests that the directory where you have
> your git executable is not known by Emacs.
> Can you try this?
> M-x getenv RET PATH RET
>   => [returns the directories in your PATH environment variable]

 Files (x86)\Git\cmd;C:\Program Files (x86)\GNU\GnuPG\pub;C:\Program Files 
(x86)\sparky\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox;C:\Program Files 

> M-! whereis git RET
>   => [returns the path for your git executable]

'whereis' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

> If the two are not in sync, then Emacs will not find your git
> executable and you'll not be able to update a git repo from Emacs.

So I don't use emacs under cygwin, and I guess this is why whereis
doesn't work ...

Anyhow, git *is* in my PATH, but I think my issue is that I don't know
how to update a git repo from *within* emacs.

Would you be able to give pointers please?


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